A consulting company.
Projects. Structure. Meetings. IT.
A Living Hub, a company where dedication and the pursuit of that communication and structure works are important details. Strong ambition for presence, sustainability and balance characterizes the work - that we care for each other. By doing this we reach quality and positive results together, as well as inspiring collaborations will grow.
Let us cooperate.
+46 708 833 403
A Living Hub Consulting AB
Box 64, 401 21 Göteborg
A Living Hub supports social projects around the world.
I believe that people should do what they are good at and finds fun and developing. We all have different skills and abilities and we supplement one another. Let us take advantage of that. By doing this, we will make room for courage and stretching boundaries. And a living energy.
I am a listening project manager who loves structure, travel and the world. Who are you?